Contact us

If you have an interest in this area you would be welcome to attend up to three meetings before committing to join. Subscription dues are $20 p/a.  The group is friendly and each evening’s meeting is conducted with a show and tell of recent acquisitions a ‘5 minuter’ of an in depth subject a member has researched, a review of a publication, the evening’s display conducted by the presenter and a review of the evening. There is no buying or selling at these meetings.

Inquiries can be made to Arthur Tilby (61) 0419 843 943

Meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of the month with the exception of December. The venue is Philatelic House in Wellington Fair on the NE corner of Wellington and Lord Streets, Perth. If you are travelling by car, park in Moore Street, walk up the hill (Lord Street) towards Wellington Street, entry on your left.  We start about 7-45pm. Visitors are welcome. The emphasis is on philately and meeting business is kept to a minimum. Of the eleven meetings held each year, five or six are presently devoted to Western Australia and the balance to non-Western Australia.

Two small (around 35 lots) sales by tender are usually held each year and larger sales by tender are held from time to time.

Membership Form

PO Box 55
Western Australia 6990
Arthur: 0419 843 943